Jakarta, indomaritim.id – PT Pertamina (Persero) emphasized that the company together with state-owned enterprises that are members of the Indonesia Battery Holding (IBH) are serious and focused on developing the Electrical Vehicle (EV) ecosystem in Indonesia by accelerating the development of EV Battery.
In Indonesia’s framework of ecosystem development and EV battery development, SOEs will carry out 7 (seven) essential stages: mining, refining, precursor plant, cathode plant, battery cell, battery pack, and recycling.
Pertamina will work in the four middle fields, namely, precursor, cathode, battery cell and battery pack. While at the recycling stage, Pertamina will work together with PLN. As for the upstream sector, PT Antam and Inalum will work together.
President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, explained that Pertamina would ensure that the stages and steps in developing EV Battery go well. In 2021, Pertamina and three other SOEs will form a joint venture company (Joint Venture) Indonesia Battery Corporation / IBC. Pertamina has also collaborated with two global companies and is exploring cooperation with other companies.
“The development of the battery industry, which has great potential in Indonesia, is for mobility, especially two wheels or motorbikes that are potentially faster than four wheels,” she said.
The second, continued Nicke, is the Energy Storage System (ESS). According to her, the opportunity to develop ESS is quite large in Indonesia because there is a potential to maintain supply reliability from PLTS (Solar Power Plants).
“ESS is a big market. So in the future, Pertamina will also enter there,” said Nicke.
Regarding the Solar Power Plants, as a pioneer, Pertamina has built Solar Power Plant at the Badak Refinery with a capacity of 4 MW, then continued with the construction of Solar Power Plants in several other refinery areas such as in Dumai and Cilacap and Sei Mangkei. At the end of last year, Pertamina also succeeded in installing Solar Rooftops at 63 petrol stations. This effort will continue into the following years with the target of all petrol stations and other Pertamina operational facilities throughout Indonesia.
Reporter: Mulyono Sri Hutomo
Editor: Rajab Ritonga